Monday, March 8

I'm an Atheist

But who knows, I might not always be one. I've been reading Brave New World and I just came across this bit.

"The religious sentiment tends to develop as we grow older; to develop because, as the passions grow calm, as the fancy and sensibilities are less excited and less excitable, our reason becomes less troubled in its working, less obscured by the images, desires and distractions, in which it used to absorbed; whereupon God emerges as from behind a cloud; our soul feels, sees, turns toward the source of all light; naturally and inevitably."

Sounds plausible eh? It actually sounds pretty nice, but I'm skeptical. But I’m also still quite excitable so I guess we’ll have to see. I'll tell you this though, if I ever did turn to the light, it wouldn’t be the light that leads the crazy Ann Coulters and Pat Robertsons of the world.

Yikes, I need to sleep.

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