Thursday, April 1

Former Green Fool

Nader is on The Conversation and acting like an ass. I don't care that he is running (do what you wish), but stop being so dam condescending. I realize that he has probably heard these questions a million times before ("take votes away from Kerry?" "help George win?" "Drop out if close?"), but cutting people off and talking down to people will not win him any votes. Which is good for the Dems I guess. Here is the good that will come of his candidacy.

1) Another person out there bashing the Bush and spotlighting the garbage that is his presidency.

2) Make sure the Dems don't take their voters for granted. Last time around the Dems ignored Nader, but they are scared now. They know they can't make that mistake again so they will have to confront him and his ideas. And more conversation is never a bad thing. Anyone hear Former President Jimbo Carter tell Nader (granted, after he complimented him a lot) to go back to coaching little league? Wow.

And, at the end of the day, Nader is right about many things. Especially when he says that the Dems should be landsliding Bush. They really should.

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